In the name of science, I have done much in-person outreach to adults and children, shared it in multiple types of traditional and new media and have successfully used social media to share science with a much larger audience with great enthusiasm.
This page documents some of this work for reference and will also include posts about using social media to share science with the general public.
Online Presence and Online Outreach Activities

Scientific American Freelance blogger, PsiVid, video blog
July 2011-December 2014

JoanneLovesScience, Joannema7, Read Science! (~3000 subs) Since 2008
Gummi Bear Science, Book Reviews, Blood Cell Bakery (featured on Boing Boing), Science of Botox

Outreach blog/website “Joanne Loves Science” since June 2008
Target audience of middle/high school students and interested adult public.
Includes whimsical/meaningful approaches to making science interesting and fun.

@sciencegoddess on twitter (61+K followers) since July 2008
One of the 25 Twitter Accounts that Will Make you Smarter
One of the 15 Twitter Accounts for Incredible Science Facts
Google+ (120+K followers), since May 2013
Host of The Google Hangout On Air, Read Science! guests are popular science book authors: Buzz Aldrin, E.O. Wilson, Chris Hadfield, Lynn Sherr, Temple Grandin, Pulitzer Prize winner Dan Fagin and more!
NSTA Google Hangouts Ainissa Ramirez, Brendan Mullan
Guest Blogs:
Discover– Will Master Teachers Help Students Master Science or Science Tests,
In-Person Outreach Activities
Participant in NASA Socials
Last Shuttle Launch (July 2011)
Visit to Johnson Space Center Houston (May 2013)
Invited guest by science team of MAVEN Mars Orbiter to view launch. (November 2013)
International Reporting Project New Media Specialist to India to look at issues of child survival. February 2013
Guest of GoPro cameras in Fairbanks, Alaska to assist with Project Aether team to visualize the interior of aurora borealis, April 2012
New Media Practitioners Professional Development Workshops Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics CU Boulder MAVEN (August 2013) and Future Exploration of the Moon and Small Bodies (July 2012)
Invited guest of Masdar Institute, Abu Dhabi’s sustainable energy city
Blogger reporting on the World Future Energy Summit, January 2014
Advisor for Young Scientists’ Journal (UK) since 2009
Presenter in their Science and Communication Conference Canterbury, UK, March 2013
New Media Specialist Consultant
Provide talks and workshops about using social media scioDC, Pakistan ECO, UIUC panel, STAN conference panel, FSI (faculty summer institute at UIUC)
Local (Illinois-based) Outreach
Presenter for fast–paced Pecha Kucha public lectures
Little black book of Scientists I Love (August 2010)
The Last Shuttle Launch (November 2012)
Fashion History and Science Discoveries in Parallel (December 2013)
Bioengineering Portion of University of Illinois’ Women in Engineering
GAMES camp for middle school and high school girls. Summers, 2007-2012
Advisor for iGEM wetware team at the U of Illinois,
The premier international undergraduate synthetic biology competition.
August 2009-May 2012.
Coordinator for Illinois State Science Olympiad competition
Bio-process, Heredity/Designer Genes, Cell Biology (1999, 2003-2009)
Co-Coordinator for National Science Olympiad Cell Biology Event (May 2004)
Selected Invited Speaking Engagements/Expert Talent Projects
Book Blurbs and Acknowledgments
TV, Radio, Podcasts, Streaming Video Programs
BBC WHYS Science: it’s a girl thing; BBC WHYS TV
Cara Santa Maria’s \”Talk Nerdy\” podcast
HUFFPOST LIVE: Girls in Science, Common Core literacy, The Bacteria are Winning, Nerd forum
ciLiving TV: Spooky Science, other programs
94.5 radio broadcasts, Parkland Surrounded By Science episode 22 Stem Cells,
Dweebcast: Clones, Dr. Kiki’s Science Hour # 86, From Supermodel to Bioengineer